Tepe Fullol (also known as Khush Tepe) is the site of an abandoned Bronze Age settlement in northern Afghanistan. It was discovered in 1965 by farmers who discovered gold and silver objects in a grave cache and thereby provided the first evidence of this civilisation in Afghanistan.
Tepe Fullol is situated in Baghlan Province at the junction of the Khost and Sai valleys. Based upon excavated materials, it has been dated to between 2600 and 1700 BC. There is a mound, covering a site 14 by 18 metres in area and 20 metres high.
The area's wealth probably derived from precious materials extracted from the nearby mountains, in particular lapis lazuli, which were widely traded.
Various artifacts were displayed at the British Museum in 2011, and elsewhere.
Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World, British Museum, London Afghanistan Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul